The Day of Hungarian Culture has been celebrated on 22 January since 1989.In the Reformed College of Debrecen on Friday evening, a talk is going to be given about the works of Hungarian authors. On Sunday, the local government programmes are going to be opened by garlanding the statue of Ferenc Kölcsey in Péterfia Street. In the afternoon, a new exhibition from the painting of painters from Debrecen is going to open in the City Center Gallery (“Belvárosi Galéria”). On Sunday evening, an exhibition about the last 60 years of the opera department in Debrecen will be opened in Csokonai Theatre by a perpetual member of the theater. This will be followed by a talk given by Béla Somogyi deputy mayor. The last of the cultural programmes on Sunday will be a gala performance by the choir of the theater and the Debrecen Kodály Philharmonic Orchestra. The Day of Hungarian Culture has been celebrated on 22 January since 1989. Kölcsey finished “Himnusz” (the national anthem) on this day in 1823.